Though lockdown has not been imposed in Tanzania, private security guards in Tanzania also deserve recognition given to their colleagues in other countries with lockdown as key workers because even here in Tanzania,  they have been at the front line in ensuring security and safety of millions during the global coronavirus pandemic.  Below are some of the roles private security guards in Tanzania have been playing:

Enforcing Social Distancing and Wearing masks

The best way to fight COVID-19 is social distancing, therefore many businesses and offices have established a two-meter spacing distance between their staff and their clients at the shops and offices.  Security guards have been spotted in various shops and offices ensuring that clients adhere to this 2-meter distancing. Security guards have also been seen ensuring that clients have masks before they get services of the personnel in the offices they go to.

Ensure Cleaning of hands before
Yes, cleaning of hands is a crucial step in the fight against COVID-19, and the security guards have been spotted making sure people visiting homes, offices and places of businesses where they guard, comply to this simple yet very useful health procedure because not everyone likes to follow procedures or some people are not used to washing hands that often hence they forget, but with the presence of security guards, this health procedure is guaranteed to be followed.

Taking temperature test

In some offices, security guards have been given the task of screening clients for body temperature using infrared thermometers. From a bit of a distance, a security guard uses a thermometer gun to check visitor’s body temperature and lets the visitor know his or her body temperature before allowing the visitor to enter the building if the visitor’s body temperature is normal.

Increased security patrols

The fact that many businesses have suspended their operations or are operating below their normal capacity, this COVID-19 crisis brings even higher security risks for many families, businesses, and other organizations, as many people can easily turn into stealing to ensure they can at least put food on the table. To respond to this risk, security guards have to increase their patrols in frequency and in coverage.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the role of security guards has changed all over the world, and here in Tanzania, we have seen our security guards embrace their new duties, and have kept our clients safe and secure. We can help you to have a more safe and secure home, office, hotel, restaurant, bar, or school.

Contact us today or by phone 0716 800 963 or 0755 301 743

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